[Software and Electronic Applications ]

iWhistle 1.0



If you are really bad in playing music with any instrument, but you can roughly whistle, this little application might be for you.
With iWhislte you can record yourself whistling, extract the tones and display them on the screen.
Next you can edit the 'score',to correct the wrong notes (if any), and play the melody with any instrument that your PC can synthesize.

When you are happy with the result, you can save your work in the standard 'MIDI' format.
('MIDI' stands for 'Musical Instrument Digital Interface').
This way your score can be exported to any 'MIDI' compatible Player/Editor for further performance.
Here is an example of a music score exported to "MuseCore". "MuseCore" is a free music composition and notation software.




The documentation is available in PDF format (698KB): iWhistle.pdf


iWhistle Setup 'zipped' executable file (3.43MB): iWhistle_1.0_Setup.zip

Partner websites

iWhistle is reviewed and available on Softpedia:

iWhistle is available on Download.com: